Published on: April 5, 2018 at 9:19 AM
New Quality Assurance Policies and Processes Now Live
We previously informed you that some changes were being made to our QA policies and processes. As of April 2018, our new Quality Framework, policies, processes and documentation apply for all approvals (provider, trainer and scheme) and our on-going monitoring and auditing.
Our Quality Framework has been completely revised and sets out our approach to quality and the criteria for provider approval more clearly. We have also revised our Terms and Conditions for all trainers (and Assessors for BESC:AME) wishing to deliver our Passport schemes. For the first time, we have introduced a new Provider Agreement for those providers wishing to deliver a Skills-based scheme, Endorsed Training Programme or Bespoke scheme.
The new Quality Framework can be found on our website here. The new policies are: Complaints, Malpractice and Maladministration, Appeals and Enquiries About Results, Sanctions and Whistleblowing.
As always, if there is anything regarding the changes you would like to discuss in more detail, please do get in touch on 0845 077 99 22, or drop us an email at