Getting Approved
There are two different routes to approval, depending on the scheme you want to deliver. Our routes are designed to help you meet the criteria as an Approved Trainer or Approval Provider in which you can then deliver a scheme or endorsement.
For EUSR Schemes
You need to become an Approved Trainer to deliver these schemes as approval is at an individual, rather than organisation level.
You will need to evidence you meet our approval criteria:
- A current EUSR registration for the scheme you wish to deliver
- Knowledge and understanding of current working practices within the relevant industry
- Relevant career history – a minimum of two years’ work experience in the relevant industry
- Two professional references
- Training qualifications (or working towards)
- Experience in training and/or assessment
Getting Approved
Stage 1
- Complete and submit your application form with all required evidence. Please email to make a request for an application form from the EUSR team
- We do a desktop review of your application and contact you if we have any questions or need additional evidence
Stage 2
- If you get through Stage 1, we will invite you to attend a Trainer Approval Workshop
- Upon successful completion of the Trainer Approval Workshop you:
- Sign our Terms and Conditions
- We register you as an Approved Trainer for the relevant scheme on EUSR
- We provide you with log in details and guidance on our online registration system QuartzWeb – within which you will be able to access all training and assessment materials
- We will add you to our list of Approved Trainers on our website – if this is appropriate for you
Stage 3
You’re approved and you start delivering training.
Ongoing Quality Assurance
- We monitor training, assessment and administration activity on an on-going basis
- You will have an audit at least once a year – which could be an Administration Audit, Desktop Audit or Visit Audit
Using our EUSR Logos
Once you are approved, you can use our logos on your website, marketing materials, certificates and communications.
See our online Price List for our current prices for approval and audit on these schemes.
All Other Schemes
For all other schemes, the first step is to become an Approved Provider. Once approved, you can then get your training programme approved. For a full list of our schemes you can get approved to deliver, visit our Scheme Search on our website.
Stage 1
- You request the appropriate Self-Assessment Report (SAR) – each scheme has it’s own unique SAR. Please email to make a request from the EUSR team
- You complete and submit with appropriate evidence – we are always available on hand to offer any advice and guidance
- We conduct a desktop review of your application and contact you if we have any questions or require additional evidence
Stage 2
- We may arrange an on-site visit. Please note for approvals to deliver Smart Metering, one of our technical EQAs will always visit
- We then confirm approval of a scheme
Stage 3
- You’re approved and are able to start delivering training
Ongoing Quality Assurance
- We also monitor training, assessment and administration activity on an on-going basis
- You have at least one audit a year, and we will sample your delivery, assessment, standardisation or moderation and IQA activities
Using our EUSR Logos
Once you are approved, you can use our logos on your website, marketing materials, certificates and communications.
See our online Price List for our current prices for approval and audit on these schemes.
Endorsed Training Programmes
Getting your training programme endorsed by us is a simple process.
The first step is to become an Approved Provider. Once approved, you can then get your training programme endorsed.
Stage 1
- You request the appropriate Self-Assessment Report (SAR) – each scheme has it’s own unique SAR. Please email to make a request from the EUSR team
- You complete and submit with appropriate evidence – we are always available on hand to offer any advice and guidance
- We conduct a desktop review of your application and contact you if we have any questions or require additional evidence
Stage 2
- We may arrange an on-site visit. Please note for approvals to deliver Smart Metering, one of our technical EQAs will always visit
- We then confirm approval of an endorsement
Stage 3
- Your programme is endorsed by EUSR and you are able to start delivering training
Ongoing Quality Assurance
- We also monitor training, assessment and administration activity on an on-going basis
- You have at least one audit a year, and we will sample your delivery, assessment, standardisation or moderation and IQA activities
The EUSR team have also carefully developed a comprehensive guide to Endorsed Training Programmes which outlines our detailed requirements for getting your training programme endorsed as well as suitability criteria and additional helpful guidance for users.
Click here to download our guide now.
Using our EUSR Logos
Once you are approved, you can use our logos on your website, marketing materials, certificates and communications.
See our online Price List for our current prices for our endorsement service and audits.
Find out More
To find out more about Provider Approval, please email or call us on 0121 745 1310.