Published on: April 5, 2018 at 9:16 AM
Customer Panel Workshop – EUSR Replacement Platform
Last year we sent out a survey asking for feedback because we were exploring replacement of the technology that supports EUSR. We had an overwhelming response – thank you! We have decided on the platform we will be using and the specification is now being finalised – so we need some further feedback from you.
We need some of our customers to come along to a workshop. We will talk you through the new functionality available and discuss in more detail changes on activities such as approval (provider, scheme, additional scheme, trainer), applications for EUSR registration, submitting test results (on Passport schemes).
Your feedback will be invaluable in helping us to understand how the new platform will change and improve the way we work together. With your help we will be able to identify up-front any potential issues as well as sense-check proposed new processes. All this work will inform how and what we communicate about the changes to everyone. It’s a chance to help shape the way in which the new system supports our operational activities.
We appreciate it is time out of your busy diary, but it would be great if you could join us on Thursday 26 April at our offices in Solihull – we’re running two sessions – lunch will be provided at both:
- Morning session: 10am – 1.00pm
- Afternoon session: 1.30 – 4.30pm
If you can come along please let me know via email at In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.