Safe Control of Operations: e-Learning/e-Assessment Structure
SCO Renewal e-Learning/e-Assessment training programme is for those individuals with existing and current SCO registrations which are nearing expiry. It is available as single modules for those just wishing to renew a single module registration or as a combination of modules where an individual is looking to update some or all of their SCO registrations together.
Module e-Learning timings
The timings stated for each module or combinations of modules are based on an average identified during testing. Individuals may take longer or complete them in a shorter time period.
Module 1: SCO Core Renewal – 1 hour and 5 minutes, plus 20 questions
Module 2: Permit to Work AE/CP – 50 minutes, plus 20 questions
Module 3: Non-Routine Operations – 1 hour and 20 minutes, plus 25 questions
Module 4: Routine Operations (Full) – 1 hour and 15 minutes, plus 20 questions
Module 4: Routine Operations (Lite) – 45 minutes, plus 12 questions
Module 5: Form of Authority (Full) – 50 minutes, plus 10 questions
Module 5: Form of Authority (Lite) – 40 minutes, plus 8 questions
Module 2: SCO Permit to Work – CP/AE and Module 5: Form of Authority (Combined) – 1 hour and 10 minutes, plus 28 questions
Module 3: Non-Routine Operations and Module 4: Routine Operations (Combined) – 1 hour 40 minutes, plus 37 questions
Module e-Assessment timings
All individuals are permitted a notional 45 minutes to complete a multiple-choice test associated with the e-Learning module or combined module shown above. Generally, individuals will not require this amount of time, even for the longer tests. It is expected that the shorter tests may take no more than 10 minutes, with the longest test taking approximately 30 minutes.
Find Out More
If you have any queries relating to EUSR or the evidence requirements for any of our schemes or programmes, please contact the EUSR Support team. We are available Monday – Friday, 8.00am – 5.00pm via email or tel: 0121 745 1310.