Virtual and smart cards – Resources

All new EUSR registrations are now issued with a virtual card. As with the previous plastic card, the new virtual card is a record of the active EUSR registrations held by an individual.

Individuals now download an app called Vircarda to their smartphone or tablet which displays a digital EUSR card. This digital card can be scanned by a checking app on site which allows the card to be read without any manual input. An individual’s details can also still be checked by entering them on the EUSR register search, available 24/7, on our website.

If individuals still want or need a plastic card, they can request a plastic smart card (which contains a chip that is readable by a checking app) for a small additional fee of £2 plus VAT.


We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions which explains why we’ve introduced virtual cards and what it means for individuals, employers and training providers. If you have a question which is not answered, then please get in touch with EUSR Support.

Click here for Individuals FAQs

Click here for Employers and Training Providers FAQs

User Guides

For individuals: we have created a user guide to help you install and use the Vircarda app on your smartphone or tablet.

For site managers/supervisors: we have created a user guide to assist you with checking cards. The guide explains how to download and use a checking app called Checarda. – Available soon

For trainers, providers and administrators: we have updated our QuartzWeb user guide to explain the changes you’ll need to be aware of when processing batches of registrations.

Webinar Recordings

Replacement Cards

If an individual loses their existing plastic card, they can now request either a virtual card or a plastic smart card as a replacement. See our replacement cards page for more details.

CSCS Smart Check app

For the latest updates from CSCS on their Smart Check app please visit their website. 

Find Out More

If you have a question that isn’t listed above, please contact the EUSR Support team. We are available Monday to Friday 8.00am – 5.00pm, via email: or call us on 0121 745 1310.